Weight Management
Your manufacturer for high-quality meal replacement – from Fit Shake to Complete Nutrition.
Nutrition, sport and weight loss are not only the focus of many people at the beginning of the year. For us, this moment marks the birth of new weight management products in the categories of weight, style and complete. Our aim is to deliver innovative, great-tasting products for the New Year and beyond.
From our fit shakes to complete nutrition, our products are as versatile as your customers’ needs. Whether enriched with selected nutrient blends, proteins from various sources, or superfoods, we have a lot to offer – individually tailored to your brand!

Next-level wholesome nutrition: Explore our meal replacement products focusing on diet, shaping, and vitality. Be surprised and try, for example, our delicious Weight Shakes.
Our everyday shakes for everyone who is active or simply wants to feel good: our Daily, Lean, and Fit Shakes support a conscious lifestyle and impress with superb nutritional profiles.

The all-inclusive package: Our Lifestyle, Meal, and Complete Nutrition products focus on maintaining a healthy body weight. This ensures that your customers feel balanced and well-nourished even in the hectic pace of everyday life!