CBD – the ingredient of the future?
While hemp products in the form of seeds and oils tended to serve the predominantly eco-friendly niche in previous years, CBD is currently on the way to reaching a considerably wider audience. Justifiably so?
CBD is short for cannabidiol, an extract of the cannabis plant that, in contrast to the intoxicating component THC, is not psychoactive, but is said to have a large number of health benefits. Be it an anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory, sleep-inducing or pain-relieving effect – CBD stands for relaxation and is therefore easy to market in the context of a stressful contemporary lifestyle – as evidenced by the broad range of diverse start-ups and brands. Nowadays there are already CBD oils, creams and capsules, as well as drinks, gummies, bars and varieties of honey that promise consumers serenity in everyday life.
Although it sounds very intriguing, in principle, one should approach this substance with caution at present. Those who would like to add CBD products to their portfolio in Germany will find themselves in a legal grey area: on the basis of the Novel Food Regulation, the ingredient whose effect has not yet been confirmed in any long-term studies, has not been approved by the EU Commission for introduction to the market at this time. Foodstuffs with the ingredient CBD are therefore not legally marketable. Suppliers take advantage of a loophole by selling CBD products as cosmetics – which is unfortunately not exactly conducive to a clean, above-board image for CBD.
Currently, no valid prognosis can as yet be made for CBD, since there are still too many uncertainties. But the next few months will certainly show whether CBD will be a short-lived hype that ultimately falls victim to regulations and research studies, or whether the component can establish itself above and beyond the cosmetics segment. For our part, we at SternLife are observing developments with great interest and look forward, in due course, to collaborating with our clients on exciting concepts relating to this promising ingredient.